
Stefan Terblanche Nutritional Masterclass

13 steps


I recently had the opportunity to conduct a Nutritional Masterclass with Stefan Terblanche, the ex-international rugby player, businessman, and extreme athlete. Throughout the masterclass, we delved into various aspects of Stefan's daily nutritional intake and professional sportsman's lifestyle. As Stefan's long-time dietitian, I have witnessed his exceptional discipline, and he generously shared numerous tips and tricks he has learned over the years to maintain peak physical condition.
We discussed important topics such as
  • The relationship between exercise and nutrition
  • Different food macros
  • Stefan's daily routine
  • His approach to cheat meals
  • Meal planning and shopping
  • His 3 favourite breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
  • Healthy snacks
  • Supplements
  • And vitamins.
Upon completion of the masterclass, participants will receive a downloadable document containing many of Stefan's favourite healthy food recipes, which I have personally designed for him over the years.Additionally,participants will gain access to our private online group for six months, where I will share daily recipes, motivation, and nutritional information.I am confident that this masterclass will leave you energized, motivated, and equipped with valuable information to help you reach your health goals.